Kent Countryside Partnerships


Our vision is to Engage people and communities to manage, enhance, explore and be inspired by their natural environment.

About the Countryside Management Partnerships

Countryside Management Partnerships (CMPs) were established through Countryside Commission/Agency policies through the 1970’s to 1990’s. While many across the country have been subsumed into local authority countryside teams, Kent’s seven Countryside Management Partnerships have managed to retain a local identity whilst operating as a county wide service.

We are, fundamentally, a suite of delivery organisations for Kent’s green and blue spaces. We come equipped with experienced and skilled staff, dedicated volunteer teams, tools and vehicles. We play a vital role in the conservation of the Kent countryside and coast through engaging with local communities and landowners.

Our objectives are:

  • Work in partnership to conserver and enhance Kent’s landscape, countryside and coast through advice provision and direct countryside management
  • Improve the quality of life for residents and visitors alike through improved accessibility and the promotion and development of sustainable countryside recreation
  • Provide opportunities for greater enjoyment, engagement and understanding of Kent’s countryside, towns and coasts through volunteering, event and education programmes
  • Deliver local, county and national objectives in the maintenance and enhancement of the countryside working

Please contact your local Countryside Partnership for more information.